Suraj Venjaramoodu’s political satire Madanolsavam streams on Amazon Prime Video from December 20, 2024. Directed by Sudheesh Gopinath, the film revolves around two characters with the same name and the upheavals in their lives caused by political manipulation. The ensemble cast includes Babu Antony, Rajesh Madhavan, and others
Suraj Venjaramoodu’s political satire Madanolsavam streams on Amazon Prime Video from December 20, 2024. Directed by Sudheesh Gopinath, the film revolves around two characters with the same name and the upheavals in their lives caused by political manipulation. The ensemble cast includes Babu Antony, Rajesh Madhavan, and others Suraj Venjaramoodu’s political satire Madanolsavam streams on Amazon Prime Video from December 20, 2024. Directed by Sudheesh Gopinath, the film revolves around two characters with the same name and the upheavals in their lives caused by political manipulation. The ensemble cast includes Babu Antony, Rajesh Madhavan, and others