The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna film, Pushpa 2: The Rule continues its historic theatrical run in Hindi. The film has broken all records over its 10-day run and is looking to create some unbreakable benchmarks in the coming days. According to estimates, Pushpa 2 has collected in the range of Rs. 47 crore to Rs. 49 crore on the 10th day, taking total collections to Rs. 510 crores.
The film has scored an all-time record on 2nd Saturday by a HUMONGOUS margin, decimating the previous best, Stree 2, which had scored around Rs. 37 crores on 2nd Saturday. Pushpa 2 will go past the total collections of Pathaan & Gadar 2 on 2nd Sunday and has already broken lifetime collections of blockbusters like Animal and Baahubali 2.
These are historic numbers and Pushpa 2 is headed to collect in the range of Rs. 750 crores in Hindi alone. The Sukumar directorial will not just be the biggest hit of all time but also hold the crown for a long time as the recent all-time grossers like Pathaan, Gadar 2, Jawan, and Stree 2 lost the number 1 spot in less than 12 month period.
Allu Arjun is now the new-age Pan India star and his next film will also shatter all records
The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna film, Pushpa 2: The Rule continues its historic theatrical run in Hindi. The film has broken all records over its 10-day run and is looking to create some unbreakable benchmarks in the coming days. According to estimates, Pushpa 2 has collected in the range of Rs. 47 crore to Rs. 49 crore on the 10th day, taking total collections to Rs. 510 crores.
The film has scored an all-time record on 2nd Saturday by a HUMONGOUS margin, decimating the previous best, Stree 2, which had scored around Rs. 37 crores on 2nd Saturday. Pushpa 2 will go past the total collections of Pathaan & Gadar 2 on 2nd Sunday and has already broken lifetime collections of blockbusters like Animal and Baahubali 2.
These are historic numbers and Pushpa 2 is headed to collect in the range of Rs. 750 crores in Hindi alone. The Sukumar directorial will not just be the biggest hit of all time but also hold the crown for a long time as the recent all-time grossers like Pathaan, Gadar 2, Jawan, and Stree 2 lost the number 1 spot in less than 12 month period.
Allu Arjun is now the new-age Pan India star and his next film will also shatter all records
The Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna film, Pushpa 2: The Rule continues its historic theatrical run in Hindi. The film has broken all records over its 10-day run and is looking to create some unbreakable benchmarks in the coming days. According to estimates, Pushpa 2 has collected in the range of Rs. 47 crore to Rs. 49 crore on the 10th day, taking total collections to Rs. 510 crores.The film has scored an all-time record on 2nd Saturday by a HUMONGOUS margin, decimating the previous best, Stree 2, which had scored around Rs. 37 crores on 2nd Saturday. Pushpa 2 will go past the total collections of Pathaan & Gadar 2 on 2nd Sunday and has already broken lifetime collections of blockbusters like Animal and Baahubali 2.These are historic numbers and Pushpa 2 is headed to collect in the range of Rs. 750 crores in Hindi alone. The Sukumar directorial will not just be the biggest hit of all time but also hold the crown for a long time as the recent all-time grossers like Pathaan, Gadar 2, Jawan, and Stree 2 lost the number 1 spot in less than 12 month period.Allu Arjun is now the new-age Pan India star and his next film will also shatter all records